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Take part in the strategic process to define the ESSCA of tomorrow!

15 December 2023 School life
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 223 times

Alumni occupy a special position at ESSCA, as our President Vincent Harel (00) sits on the Board of Councillors, a true strategic decision-making body. Alumni voices count!

That's why the school wants to involve the whole ESSCA community in the work that will define the future of our beloved school. Let's all get involved in this second stage of the process!

Dear alumni,

Following on from the first consultation phase in preparation for ESSCA's 2025-2030 strategic plan, and in accordance with the wishes of the school's Board of Directors, five major cross-functional thematic areas will now be developed.

  • Students of 2030
  • Generative Artificial Intelligence.
  • CSR and the path to carbon neutrality
  • Major strategic risks
  • International

How can we help?

Each theme will be addressed by a working group made up of representatives of the institution's various stakeholders: students, staff, alumni, partners...

Each working group will be led by an ESSCA employee close to the subject.

Each theme will be developed in two consecutive webinars(100% online, at the end of the day!):

  • the first in January 2024 :
  • the second in February 2024.

Between the two webinars, ESSCA's Board of Directors (the decision-making body for the strategic plan) will meet to give its opinion, recommendations and wishes for the future.

Each session will be hosted online, with interactive contributions. With this in mind, we recommend the simultaneous use of 2 screens (e.g. 1 computer + 1 smartphone).

Participants who register for a working group commit to contributing to both webinars.

Registration links and calendar details are detailed below.

Benjamin Morisse - Deputy Managing Director ESSCA Group

Students of 2030

Profiles, inclusion and diversity (incl. international), learning acquisition, lifelong learning (continuing education, graduate skills maintenance), commitment.

Moderated by Dr. Marcela Schweitzer, head of the Centre d'Accompagnement Pédagogique

1st meeting

January 8, 2024: 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm

2nd meeting

February 6, 2024:18.00-20.00 h

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Profiles, inclusion and diversity (incl. international), learning acquisition, lifelong learning (continuing education, graduate skills maintenance), commitment.

Moderated by Dr. Marcela Schweitzer, head of the Centre d'Accompagnement Pédagogique

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