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Webinar "MasterClass LinkedIn

1h30 with Antoine Jambart, one of France's leading practitioners on the subject in 2020, to access advanced best practices on LinkedIn in 2020

Concentrated winning practices:

- Understanding what drives performance on LinkedIn

- Strategic organization of the interface, what "routine" on the platform?

- Network strategy and advanced use of the search engine

- Publish WHAT, and publish HOW?

- Engaging your contacts, "manufacturing" reality from LinkedIn activity... Generate leads

- Create and manage your action plan

The webinar will take place on Zoom. Please register, and the conference number will be sent to you a few hours beforehand.

Please note: the number of places is deliberately limited to allow interaction between participants and the consultant .

Thursday 11th March 2021
12h30 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 10th March
Online event
  • Free Contributor rate

  • 10 € Non-contributor rate

  • 15 € Exterior

Registration closed

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Thursday 11th March 2021
12h30 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 10th March
Online event
  • Free Contributor rate

  • 10 € Non-contributor rate

  • 15 € Exterior

Registration closed
  • 38 registered
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