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Essca for women, here we go again

ESSCA au Féminin is starting up again. .. And because we can't get together physically just yet, we're going digital!

ESSCA Alumni offers you a digital conference with the three authors of the book:

"L'argent au féminin? 10 conseils sur mesure pour bien choisir et agir pas à pas" (Money for women? 10 tailor-made tips for making the right choice and taking action step by step).

Tuesday, November 24 from 1pm to 2pm.

Through the presentation of this book, the 3 authors, Catherine Lott-Vernet, Sophie Muffang and Thierry Ohayon, will share with you a few tips and tricks to help you manage your finances at key moments in your life: planning, investing, optimizing your purchasing power, managing your career, undertaking, getting out of the box...

Take advantage of the expertise of an educator, coach and wealth advisor during this webinar !

You can ask questions during the webinar.

And to celebrate the resumption of ESSCA au Féminin, we'll be giving away 15 books to participants (prize draw).

A ZOOM connection link will be sent to you shortly before the event.

Register now!

Tuesday 24th November 2020
13h00 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free

Registration closed

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Tuesday 24th November 2020
13h00 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
Online event
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 68 registered
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