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[CSR Club] Webinar >> Rethinking business models post Covid-19

- Resilient Society and Economic Efficiency

Rethinking business models post Covid-19

The Covid 19 crisis has highlighted numerous limits to business models:

Resource scarcity, the need to relocalize value chains, impacts on ecosystems - these are just some of the issues that can no longer be postponed. It's becoming essential to rethink our business models in light of the constraints of the 21st century.

Brieuc Saffré (Promo 2008) offers you the Circular Canvas to help you take a step back from your business models, and make them evolve to cut costs, create new revenues and generate positive social and environmental impacts.

--> Let's get together for a 45-minute webinar that will enable you to get to grips with all these topics, which can be explored in greater depth during future webinars.

--> A connection link will be sent to you shortly before the event.

Tuesday 9th June 2020
18h30 - 19h15 (GMT +2)

Registration closed


Caroline SCOTTI (1996)
3 years ago
Beau projet !
Très partante pour un webinaire, mais avant 18 heures - la crise a aussi montré combien il est important dans une écologie personnelle & familiale de ne pas faire déborder le travail sur le temps de partage avec nos enfants :-)
Sandra SYDOW (1997)
3 years ago
Malheureusement je n'ai pas pu assister a ce webinaire tres interessant par le sujet. Serait-il possible d'avoir un lien a la video replay? Merci. Bien cordialement

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Tuesday 9th June 2020
18h30 - 19h15 (GMT +2)

Registration closed
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