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AVARAP / "Employment and work in France: the new deal" evening-debate
AVARAP is organizing an evening debate for its members and active group members, hosted by Hervé Bommelaer. The theme is: Employment and work in France: the new deal!
Over the past twenty years, the labor market has undergone major upheavals. The switch to the 35-hour week profoundly altered the French people's relationship with work.
Later, depending on the sector, the various confinements were experienced either as tsunamis or as opportunities to rethink the organization of work: there has never been so much talk of work-life balance or the meaning of work, for example.
An expert on the job market, Hervé Bommelaer is a partner at Cabinet Enjeux Dirigeants. He is confronted on a daily basis with the new configuration of the job market, and is constantly scrutinizing current and future upheavals in the workplace.
During this evening debate, he will address a variety of topics:
👉 Thegreat resignation
👉Boomerang employees
👉 The new France-Travail (ex Pôle Emploi) rules
👉 Thecohabitation of generations
👉 The rise and limits of teleworking
👉Lifelong learning, etc.
A member of the Board of Directors of the AVARAP association, Hervé Bommelaer wrote the reference work on the network approach: Trouver le bon job grâce au(x) réseau(x). Regularly enriched, this book has become one of Editions Eyrolles' best sellers, with almost 50,000 copies sold over seven editions.
📌 The evening will be followed by a cocktail reception.
See all events
Tuesday 6 June 2023
- 20:30
(GMT +1)
Lycée Saint-Michel des Batignolles
47 Rue Ganneron
Lycée Saint-Michel des Batignolles
47 Rue Ganneron75018 Paris
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