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Club de Rennes: Workshop / Afterwork Blind test

For its next event, the Club de Rennes is joining forces with the Club Transition!

Christophe Pigré (class of 2000) for the Transition club, Claire LONGUET (class of 2003) and Sophie DEGROOTE (class of 1998) for the Rennes club, offer a 2 Tons workshop followed by an afterwork.

Guillaume Lamour (class of 2007) welcomes us to Soccer rennais and will introduce us to a blind test 🎵🍸 !

We invite you to join us on

📆 Wednesday June 28

at 6pm for the 2 Tons workshop

from 7.30pm for the afterwork only

Hosted by Gauthier QUEUNIET (class of 2009)

In 2.5 hours and as a team, you can project yourselves forward to 2050 and experiment with the transition to a low-carbon society. The activity includes sessions to discover and choose individual and collective levers. The 2 Tons software calculator enables you to see how the carbon footprint of participants and the average French person is gradually being reduced. A real serious game designed for discussion and exchange, this workshop immerses you in a world of solutions, and makes possible the goal of a carbon-neutral world (an average of 2 tonnes of CO2 emissions per person per year).

Togetherwith the Fresque du Climat, the 2 Tons workshop is the element chosen by the government to raise awareness and train senior civil servants in climate issues.
Please register to receive the link that will enable you to create your carbon footprint and work on your personalized data.


Soccer Rennais is the first center in Western France to host the 1st music blind test with recognition.

Each player receives a game smartphone (supplied by us) and it's the smartphone's voice recognition that replaces the host and detects who gave THE RIGHT ANSWER FIRST. Each correct answer is calculated to the hundredth of a second (it's BLUFFANT).
Behind this voice recognition, there's a library of 6,000 titles and 60 playlists (from the best-known like French music and the 80s, to film music, Disney, Tik Tok...).

We invite you to discover this new activity during the evening, andlook forward to seeing you there.

📌 Workshop option (2.5 h) + Afterwork: RV at 6 pm
Number of participants for the Workshop: Minimum 6 / Maximum 15

📌 Afterwork option only: starting at 7:30pm

Please register for better organization on site.

Wednesday 28 June 2023
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 28th June
Soccer Rennais
35 Rue du Manoir de Servigné
35000 Rennes
  • Consumption to be paid on site

Registration closed

Soccer Rennais

35 Rue du Manoir de Servigné
35000 Rennes

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Wednesday 28 June 2023
18:00 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 28th June
Soccer Rennais
35 Rue du Manoir de Servigné
35000 Rennes
  • Consumption to be paid on site

Registration closed
  • 19 registrants
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