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Martin Rousseau (2015): from artist to CSR

Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 290 times

On March 14, 2024, the opening of Martin Rousseau's work was held on the Angers campus in the presence of Xavier Durand, Campus Director.

Martin graduated in 2015 from the brand new Master Métiers du Développement Territorial et de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire (MDTESS).

He has since pursued his commitment to disadvantaged populations through the GESAT network, then at ESAT les Ateliers de Fresnes, then at SIFPro Monique Guilbot.
He is now in charge of the Emmaüs Boutique in the 5th arrondissement.

The genesis of the work

Martin's talent for painting was evident right from the start of his studies. His pencil sketches (done in class, helping him to better integrate his lessons (sic)) were noticed by the administration.

Catherine Leblanc, the group's Managing Director and Campus Director at the time, commissioned him to paint a picture to decorate the Angers premises.

Martin's technique is extremely time-consuming. The multitude of details drawn in clear line (a bit like "Where's Charlie") and the coloring is an extremely time-consuming process.

The Covid period gave him enough time to complete the work he started 10 years ago.

A strategic place on campus

All that remained was to find a place to display Martin's painting...

The new Coworking space, created in place of the obsolete student locker room, was chosen for its proximity to the Kaz and the high traffic flow generated by the patio.

The vernissage was held on Thursday March 14.

Just one more example of the wealth of talent in the ESSCA community!

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