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Foundation: 2022/2023 achievements and call for donations before December 31

15 November 2024 Life of the association
Viewed 131 times

The 2022/2023 fundraising campaign enabled us to devote €120,000 (+50%) to financing various projects. Our special thanks go to Sébastien (95) who, with a donation of €30,000, joins the very closed club (until now...) of major donors.

His wish is first and foremost to fund scholarships and bursaries in support of entrepreneurship. But he hopes his generous gesture will inspire other alumni to become major donors...

This being the case, small streams make big rivers: so here's to your donations !

Your generosity has made a difference!

This year we were able to distribute

  • 15 €2,000 scholarships for "Crous" students identified with the school via the social watch committee. (see testimonials at the end of this article)

  • 10 excellence scholarships worth €2,000 awarded at the ESSCA Awards to the best students in the 1, 2 and 4A PGE and 1A BMI.

  • 2 major pedagogical innovation projects (€5,000 and €10,500)

  • 1 Business Nursery in Bordeaux (€5,000 worth of equipment)

The remaining funds will be used to distribute new scholarships and support the school in the renovation/creation of new structures (new Aix campus, new Malaga campus, refurbishment of Angers and Paris campuses).

New for 2023: donations can also be distributed in the form of living expenses grants for students taking an entrepreneurial semester/year off. These grants, of around €600/month for a maximum of 8 months, will enable students on a gap year (and therefore without income) to devote themselves fully to their project.

See testimonial at bottom of article.

Let's amplify the movement before the end of the year!

The end of the year is the right time to make a difference.

Include the ESSCA Foundation in your charitable activities.

Indeed, higher education is expensive, and despite its associative structure, which allows 100% of revenues to be devoted to the educational project, international competition means that we need to attract the best teaching talent.

These talents come at a cost!

To enable the ESSCA brand to continue to grow for the benefit of all (students and alumni), while preserving the school's humanist and inclusive vocation, the ESSCA Foundation hopes to increase by a factor of 2 the current budget (€750,000/year) dedicated by the school to scholarships and excellence grants.

The second stage of this ambitious goal is to finance 16 full years of schooling, i.e. €200,000.

Take action today!

By choosing the ESSCA Foundation, you make it possible for deserving students with limited financial means to attend ESSCA.

Your social commitment is then real, and all your gifts, bequests and donations benefit from tax deductions of up to 75% of your donation.

If you, too, would like to give back to the School what it has given you, you can make your donation directly on the Fondation de France page dedicated to us, and freely indicate the object you wish to support, by following the link below:

IMPORTANT: your donation is tax-deductible...

  • - 75% of your real estate wealth tax (IFI)
    • 100€ donated will only cost you 25€,
    • 400 € invested will cost you only 100 €,
    • 1,000 will cost you only €250
  • - 66% of your income tax (IRPP):
    • 75 € paid will only cost you 25 €,
    • 300 will cost you only €100,
    • 900 € paid will only cost you 300€.
  • - 60% of your corporation tax (IS):
    • 1,000 € paid will only cost you 400 €,
    • 5,000 will cost you only €2,000,
    • 20,000 will only cost you €8,000.


C. H : I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your generosity of offering me the scholarship from the ESSCA Foundation.

Since I am financing my studies completely on my own, this financial support from ESSCA will help me a lot to focus on my Master's degree without any restriction.

Especially as an international student, studying abroad was definitely an experience during the past year and I am happy, that my hard work and effort paid off.

M JS : "What a joy to read your e-mail. I would like to sincerely thank the ESSCA Alumni Association for this positive feedback and for the support provided. ESSCA is once again demonstrating its strength through this action."

M.D : Thank you for the great news! I am really pleased to learn about this support, which have been making things easier during all my ESSCA studies.

L.C: Thank you for your warm e-mail, which is very good news and for which I'm very grateful. I'm very lucky to be able to be one of the beneficiaries of this aid.

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