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Discover the fantastic show starring our classmate Frédéric Beaune (class of 2011)!

Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 65 times

A 2011 graduate of the Entrepreneurship Master's program, Frédéric Beaune is pursuing a dual career as a professional actor and business developer.

Currently starring in the show "La folle histoire de l'Ile Mystérieuse", he was keen to offer the ESSCA community preferential rates.

Thanks to him for keeping the ESSCA spirit alive!

Following the success of LA FOLLE HISTOIRE DE L'ILE MYSTERIEUSE at the Grand-Point Virgule (Paris XVè) last year, LA comédie d'aventures continues on January 20, 2024 at the Théâtre Les Enfants du Paradis (Paris IXè).

Produced, written and directed by Cyril Gourbet, "L'ÎLE MYSTÉRIEUSE" is designed to be accessible, modern and immersive: true ALL-OCCUPATIONAL entertainment that brings people together, like La Grande Vadrouille or Jurassic Park.

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