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December 11 to 18: International Week with APEC

07 December 2023 Employment workshop
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 185 times

ESSCA Alumni has set up a partnership with APEC to help its members integrate and bounce back in their careers.

In partnership with Business France and Pôle emploi international, we are relaying a series of 7 webconferences on international business to the community, and especially to our young alumni.

Working abroad... adopt the right reflexes.

Monday December 11 (10am to 12pm):

Let's find out together how :

  • identify the success factors for international mobility
  • find out how to get organized
  • know where to find information about working abroad
Sign up

Job applications and interculturality in English-speaking countries

Tuesday, December 12 (10 am to 11:30 am):

Learn the best practices and cultural codes for applying for jobs in English-speaking countries. Get tips and tricks for your CVs, cover letters and job interviews.

Innovative practices in executive recruitment in Europe and presentation of European mobility websites : EURES and European Jobdays.

Tuesday December 12 (2pm to 4pm):

Discover the most sought-after profiles in France and Europe, and learn from innovative recruitment practices in 6 European countries to better manage your European professional mobility. Last but not least, EURES is an essential portal with many features to explore.

What assistance is available for European mobility?

Wednesday December 13 (10am to 11:30am):

If you're looking for a job in Europe, or have already found one, come and find out about the financial assistance (relocation, interviews, language courses...) available for European mobility.

Discover VIE-VIA with Business France

Thursday, December 14 (10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.):

Traveling all over your Instagram feed and tired of being a spectator? No need to wait until you're 40 to work abroad!

If you're aged between 18 and 28, being an International Volunteer gives you access to exciting assignments and real job opportunities, with 92% of young people recruited at the end of their assignment.

International opportunities for 18-35 year olds - find out about programs and schemes

Friday, December 15 (10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.):

If you're between 18 and 35 years old, there are a number of schemes available to facilitate your mobility: internships, VIE/VIE, solidarity volunteering, UN programs,'ll find out all about them during the workshop!

Preparing your return from expatriation

Monday, December 18 (10:00-11:30am):

Anticipate your needs and make a success of your return to France after working abroad!

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