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Calling on the ESSCA community for the 2024 juries!

17 January 2024 School life
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 1429 times

Would you like to rediscover the ESSCA atmosphere on one of our six French campuses?

The registration campaign to take part in the 2024 admissions juries will start in mid-February!

Save the date!

The oral admission tests for the Grande Ecole and Bachelor programs will be held on all our 6 French campuses - Aix-en-Provence, Angers, Bordeaux, Lyon, Paris and Strasbourg - from Tuesday April 23 to Thursday May 30:

  • April: Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th, Friday 26th, Saturday 27th, Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th
  • May : Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th, Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th, Wednesday 22nd, Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th.

You will shortly receive a link to register for your chosen session.

Important if you wish to participate, remember to authorize us to contact you before February 1, by checking the box "I agree to be contacted to participate in juries" in your subscription preferences on your ESSCA Alumni space.

To activate this option :

  • Log in to your personal space on (if you've lost your ID/PWD, send an e-mail to:
  • To the right of the space reserved for your photo, click on the pencil to access your personal information.
  • In the left-hand "My profile" column, scroll to the bottom of the page to access the "Settings" block.
  • Click on the "E-mail settings and subscriptions" tab.
  • In the "Subscriptions" section, tell us your preferences.

Thank you in advance for your investment in our future young comrades.

We hope to see you soon,

Patrick BOUILLET(Class of 1987), Managing Director ESSCA Alumni,

Adrien AUQUE (class of 2013), Postbac Promotion and Recruitment Manager.

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