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Brigitte de Faultrier retires...

16 February 2024 School life
Published by Patrick BOUILLET
Viewed 587 times

Brigitte de Faultrier officially stepped down from her position at ESSCA on January 31 to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.

This is an opportunity for ESSCA Alumni to look back on the career of a woman who has been an alumni, teacher and campus director at ESSCA for 30 years.

Brigitte de Faultrier (Gyon) graduated from ESSCA in 1979.

After starting her career in the retail sector (in purchasing, then in supermarket management), she obtained a DEA in Management Sciences from the IAE in Poitiers in 1994. In 1996, she turned to teaching.

She was a lecturer at ESSCA from 1996 to 2001.

The year she obtained her Doctorate in Management Sciences - Marketing at the IAE de la Réunion.

She then became a Professor at ESSCA. She successively held the position of Marketing Department Manager until 2004, then that of Logistics & Merchandising Strategy Chairholder.

In 2010, she was appointed Head of Strategy and Markets.

During this period, we note two research publications in value journals:

Then, in 2016, she moved into campus management, supporting the development of ESSCA's multi-campus strategy in Bordeaux.

ESSCA is now firmly rooted in its new home in Bordeaux, and we can see just how far we've come from our first location on rue de Condé to the opening of our brand new campus on the right bank of the Garonne, in the former officers' mess at Bastide Niel. These brand new premises, owned by the school, are the flagship of the ESSCA group.

For the past 2 years, Brigitte had passed the torch to Charles Bassi to focus on strategic projects for the Operations Department.

After this busy life in the service of our beloved school, all that remains is to wish her a long and happy retirement... and hope to see her at events organized by the dynamic ESSCA Alumni Club in Bordeaux, because ESSCA... is for life!

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