Notebook / Appointments

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19 April 2024
Pierre-Gilles DIAT (2013)

Appointments - Senior Vice President & Partner of Vauban Infrastructure Partners

Appointment, 19/04/2024 - Pierre-Gilles Diat has been appointed Senior Vice President & Partner of Vauban Infrastructure Partners, in this position since March 2024.

Pierre-Gilles Diat, master's degree, corporate finance - Essca (2014), has completed the following career path:

2024: Vauban Infrastructure Partners, Senior Vice President & Partner

2022 - 2024: Vauban Infrastructure Partners, Vice President & Partner

2021 - 2022 : Vauban Infrastructure Partners, Vice-President

2019 - 2021 : Vauban Infrastructure Partners, Investment Manager

2014 : Mirova, Infrastructure Fund Investment Manager

Copyright Nomination 2024

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