Notebook / Appointments

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04 April 2024

Appointments - Marketing and Communications Director, CRIT Group

Appointment, 04/04/2024 : Jean-Baptiste Bruneau has been appointed Marketing and Communications Director of Groupe CRIT, a position he has held since March 2024.

Jean-Baptiste Bruneau, Essca (1999), has had the following career path:

2024 : Groupe CRIT, Marketing and Communications Director

2023 - 2024: Randstad France, Client Operations Lead

2016 - 2023: Randstad France, Deputy Marketing Director

2014 - 2015 : Randstad France, Responsable Domaine Marketing, Digital&Services RH

2011 : 2013 : Expectra, Marketing Manager

2006 : 2011 : Expectra, Marketing Manager btob

2002 : 2006 : BNP Paribas, BtoB Direct Marketing Manager

2001 : 2002 : CMV Médiforce, Marketing Project Manager

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