Notebook / Appointments

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03 April 2024
Emmanuelle FRANCOIS (1992)

Appointments - Global head of Axepta at BNP Paribas

Appointment, 03/04/2024 : Emmanuelle François has been appointed Global Head of Axepta at BNP Paribas, effective April 2024.

Emmanuelle François, 52, Essca (1992), has had the following career path:

2024 : BNP Paribas, Global head of Axepta

2022 - 2024 : BNP Paribas, Head of Axepta France

2016 : CFCAL, Chairman of the Board, 2021

2014 - 2016 : BNP Paribas, Payment and cash management, head of retail industry

2010 - 2014 : Arkéa Banking Services, Executive Director

Copyright Nomination 2024

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