
Notre réseau d'alumni, fort des valeurs de l’École, soutient depuis toujours l'Entreprenariat et les nombreux entrepreneurs.
le Club des Entrepreneurs est ouvert à tout ancien Diplômé de l’ESSCA  tous secteurs confondus et met en contact des créateurs ou futurs créateurs d’entreprises avec  d'autres ESSCA ayant réussi la création de leur propre société ou des spécialistes dont le métier peut aider à la création ou au développement d’une entreprise.
 Cyril CRUGNOLA (1997) et Xavier CROUX (1997) chefs d'entreprise dans leurs domaines respectifs proposent de rallumer la flamme des forces vives de l'entreprenariat "made in ESSCA".
Notre projet est de créer régulièrement des évènements sur un format de courte durée afin de nous donner l'occasion de nous rencontrer et d'échanger sur nos pratiques mais également des moments plus conviviaux de networking

Classiquement, ces évènements pourront donner lieu à des interventions d'experts sur des thèmes d'actualité dans leurs aspects économiques, juridiques ou humains.

Parmi les thèmes d'ores et déjà évoqués :

  • le e-commerce
  • la reprise d'entreprise
  • le management de soi ou de ses équipes,
  • faire face à un prud'hommes ou à une visite de courtoisie de l'inspection du travail,
  • déposer sa marque, protéger ses créations, conformité des sites internet aux exigences légales ...

L'idée est de pouvoir intéresser et faciliter l'échange entre la plupart des entrepreneurs, du startupper à la PME-PMI voire l'ETI.

Nous songeons également à créer certains outils permettant de mieux nous connaître et pouvant constituer des facilitateurs de business : qui fait quoi et comment ?

Devenez membre du Club des Entrepreneurs en rejoignant le groupe !

Pour plus d'infos ou nous faire part de vos suggestions, contactez Delphine de Ghellinck, responsable animation


Upcoming events

  1. Thursday 23 January at 18:30
    Pitch competition

    Chateauform Maison des centraliens

  1. Tuesday 08 April at 12:30
    Workshop: Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and posture

    As part of the Entrepreneurs Club, ESSCA Alumni and Camille Buss (class of 2016) invite you to take part in a workshop on "Developing an entrepreneurial mindset and posture"....

Previous events

  1. Tuesday 14 January at 12:30
    Entrepreneurship workshop: developing rock-solid self-confidence

    As part of the Entrepreneurs Club, ESSCA Alumni and Camille Buss (class of 2016) invite you to take part in a Workshop on self-confidence in entrepreneurship. Self-confidence is...

  1. 09 December 2024 at 18:00
    4th edition of G2E's Pépites awards

    Dans le cadre de l'axe de développement majeur de l'association sur l'entrepreneuriat, ESSCA Alumni a rejoint l'association G2E (Grandes Ecoles Entrepreneurs) début 2024. Cette...

  1. 08 October 2024 at 18:30
    Club Dauphine Entrepreneurs "How to optimize your assets via an asset holding...

    As a member of G2E(Grandes Ecoles Entrepreneurs), ESSCA ALUMNI is pleased to share with you the invitation from XMP Entrepreneurs. The Club Dauphine Entrepreneurs invites you to...

  1. 28 March 2024 at 12:30
    Develop an entrepreneurial mindset and attitude

    Being an entrepreneur is above all a state of mind! Whether you're a manager, employee, student or business creator, the aim of this workshop is to help you develop your...

  1. 04 October 2023 at 18:30
    Paris: Club apéro!

    To launch the 2023/2024 season of theme clubs, ESSCA ALUMNI invites you to theClub Apéro! This will be an opportunity to discover the different themed clubs and meet their...

  1. 31 May 2022 at 19:00
    Club de Rennes: afterwork in the world of Breton entrepreneurship

    For her next event, Claire Longuet (class of 2003) invites you to come and discover the world of Breton entrepreneurship for one evening! Tuesday, May 31 from 7pm As a regional gas...

  1. 12 May 2022 at 12:30
    Webinar Entrepreneurs' Club: The partnership agreement

    Working out your offer, legal status and partnership agreement ✔️PendantIn this webinar, we will discuss and study : The BtoB , BtoC and BtoH offer The keys to legal status, The...

  1. 24 March 2022 at 12:30
    Webinar Entrepreneurs: from idea to project feasibility

    Because supporting entrepreneurship is one of its priorities, ESSCA ALUMNI is offering a series of 3 webinars that will give you the keys to a successful entrepreneurial project ....

  1. 09 March 2022 at 12:30
    An ESSCA entrepreneur on TV: what impact on business?

    [Webinar] From the creation of a dry cleaning network to "Patron Incognito" on M6! To continue the series of presentations on "Made by ESSCA" companies, the ESSCA ALUMNI...

  1. 06 May 2021 at 18:00
    New start / New format for the Entrepreneurs' Club

    Our network of alumni, strengthened by the values of the School, is made up of a large number of entrepreneurs, so we had to rekindle the flame of the Entrepreneurs' Club, which...

  1. 13 March 2018 at 08:00
    Made in France and reindustrialization, the example of 1083 jeans
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    The 60th meeting!Tuesday March 13th from 8.00am to 9.30amAt UBS - 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris.Made in France and reindustrialization,the example of 1083 jeansGuest Thomas...

  1. 23 January 2018 at 08:00
    Next Entrepreneurs' Club meeting / January 23
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    59thC2Emeeting Tuesday, January 23, 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. At UBS - 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris. Leadership, What does it mean to be a chef today? Guest François BERT author of the book...

  1. 21 November 2017 at 08:00
    Club des Entrepreneurs / "How does it feel to be taken over by a giant? "
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    FISH IS LIFE "What's it like to be bought by a giant? " Tuesday, November 21, 2017 from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. At UBS - 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris. Guest Alireza MOHAMMADY, CEO of Fish...

  1. 23 May 2017 at 08:00
    May 23: Big Moustache, Mober, 2 start-ups, 2 models
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    Be sure to add to your address book, to ensure it arrives in your mailbox. 56th meeting of the Entrepreneurs' Club Big Moustache and MOBER 2 start-ups, 2...

  1. 18 April 2017 at 08:00
    April 18: Boost your Google ranking!
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    Be sure to add to your address book, to ensure it arrives in your mailbox. 55th meeting of the Entrepreneurs' Club Boost your Google referencing!!! Tuesday...

  1. 05 April 2017 at 20:00
    Envie d’Entreprendre" workshop with the ESSCA Entrepreneurs Club
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    ESSCA's entrepreneurial club is innovating with a new workshop"envie d'entreprendre". What isit?Are you itching to get started, but not quite ready to take the plunge? Come and...

  1. 14 March 2017 at 08:00
    march 14 / positive thinking, a new managerial tool!
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    Positive thinking,new managerial tool! Tuesday, March 14, 2017 from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. At UBS, 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris. For its 54th meeting, the ESSCA Entrepreneurs' Club...

  1. 21 February 2017 at 08:00
    February 21 / Compte Nickel, a revolution in the banking world
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    53rd Club des Entrepreneurs meeting NICKEL ACCOUNT,Revolution in the banking world Tuesday, February 21, 2017 from 8:00 am to 9:30 am, At UBS, 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris. For its...

  1. 10 January 2017 at 08:00
    January 10 / Foresight: how to anticipate future changes?
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    Be sure to add to your address book, to ensure it arrives in your mailbox. For its 52nd meeting, the the Entrepreneurs' Club invites you on the theme :...

  1. 13 December 2016 at 08:00
    December 13/ La Ruche qui dit oui, how to combine business and solidarity?
    Organised by Entrepreneurs

    La Ruche qui dit oui,how to combine business and solidarity Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 8:00 am to 9:30 am, At UBS, 69 bis bd Haussmann, Paris. For its 51st meeting, the ESSCA...


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