
Whether you're passionate, curious or professionally active in the cultural and heritage sector, this club is for you!

We've created this club to be a place of enrichment, encounters and convivial exchanges.

We'll be offering you special visits and conferences in a vast cultural sector: museums and exhibitions, heritage, crafts of excellence, paintings, art, music, cinema, theater...

The club is open to graduates and students.

If you'd like to get involved in this club, or just come up with ideas, please contact Delphine de Ghellinck.

Visit to the Senate in 2022 with Serge Babary, ESSCA alumni and graduate of the class of 1968 ,

Senator for Indre et Loire, andChairman ofthe Senate Business Delegation .

Upcoming events

  1. Thursday 06 February at 18:30
    An invitation to discover the Hôtel de la Marine

    Invitation to discover the Hôtel de la Marine The Club Culture et Patrimoine is pleased to invite you to an exceptional visit of the Hôtel de la Marine in Paris, an emblematic...

Previous events

  1. 04 June 2024 at 18:00
    Visit to the National Assembly

    As part of the Culture and Heritage Club and the Paris Club, ESSCA ALUMNI offers you a guided tour of the French National Assembly! We'll be greeted by Philippe BOLO, MP for...

  1. 29 May 2024 at 20:00
    Club Culture et Patrimoine: Lyric recital in Paris

    As part ofthe Culture and Heritage Club, ESSCA ALUMNI highlights companies "Made by ESSCA" and brings you an exceptional cultural event, organized by one of our entrepreneurial...

  1. 25 January 2024 at 09:30
    European Parelment visit to Brussels

    VISIT TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Date: January 25 Program: P.E.: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Presentation on the workings of the European Parliament and European institutions....

  1. 13 December 2023 at 18:00
    Pau club afterwork

    ESSCA Alumni, with the complicity of Philippe GIBOZ (class of 2000), invites you to an afterwork near Pau🍺🍷🍸 Thursday December 7th from 7:00 pm at the Guinguette des Sardines -...

  1. 04 October 2023 at 18:30
    Paris: Club apéro!

    To launch the 2023/2024 season of theme clubs, ESSCA ALUMNI invites you to theClub Apéro! This will be an opportunity to discover the different themed clubs and meet their...

  1. 29 March 2023 at 09:00
    ESSCA au Féminin / Guided tour of the "GOLD, Les ors d'Yves Saint Laurent"...

    ESSCA au Féminin and ESSCA Alumni are pleased to offer you a guided cultural tour to mark a double anniversary - the 60th anniversary of the first Yves Saint Laurent collection and...

  1. 22 February 2022 at 08:00
    Exceptional visit to the Senate

    As part of the creation and launch of the Culture and Heritage Club, we are pleased to offer you an exceptional tour of the French Senate. Our guide will be Serge Babary, ESSCA...


Display map with group members

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62 results