

Professional careers have not been linear for a long time, but successive crises (political, security, economic, health, etc.) have reinforced the need for greater adaptability for all our managers.

This necessary adaptation can be facilitated by quality coaching: Coaching by ESSCA Alumni.

In line with one of our main objectives, which is to be by your side throughout your professional and personal life, we have carefully selected the coaches we invite you to meet from the plethora on the French market.

The areas of intervention of the Coaches by ESSCA Alumni :

  • Career management (skills assessment, reorientation, managing a desired or unwanted rebound, etc.)

  • Executive support(company takeovers, crisis management, reorganization, mergers, transmission...)

  • Taking up a new position (quickly grasping and understanding the company's codes, avoiding mistakes when taking up a new position, rapidly gaining legitimacy with your teams and superiors, etc.).

  • Management assistance (dealing with toxic colleagues, asserting leadership, getting to know yourself better to better manage others, etc.)

These areas correspond to the most frequent requests we receive. If you have a specific request, we'll direct you to the right coach.

Why choose ESSCA Alumni coaches?

All the coaches we present to you have undergone a rigorous selection process, including reference checks.

Very often themselves ESSCA alumni (but not only...) and all very attached to the ESSCA community, they offer Alumni extremely advantageous conditions negotiated in agreement with the association.

ESSCA Alumni helps to co-finance sessions up to a maximum of 5 sessions.

The remaining cost for alumni is :

- 60€/session for contributors (i.e. a total of 300€ for the 5 sessions, with ESSCA Alumni covering part of the coach's fees)

- €120/session for non-contributors (i.e. a total of €600 for the 5 sessions, with ESSCA Alumni covering part of the coach's fees).

Sessions can take place face-to-face or via skype.

to benefit:

1. consult the bios of the coaches below to "choose" the one that suits you best us to set up your file and obtain our agreement to cover your costs

3. once this agreement has been obtained, contact your coach to organize your sessions.

Anne-Violaine Pattier

promo 2001

located in Ain

Remote coaching available

Eric Damour

Located in Paris and RP

remote coaching available

Sophie Lauras

Class of 1998

located in Nantes and Western France

Remote coaching available

Sophie Lictevout

class of 1996

located in Lille

Remote coaching available

Emilie Guibert

promo 1992

Located in Rouen

Distance learning possible

Isabelle Moreau

Class of 1981


distance learning possible

Marion Guiset

class of 2006

Located in Lyon

Remote coaching available

Laetitia du Doré

Class of 2001

Based in Rennes

Distance learning possible

Amélie Le Berrigaud

Promo 2000

Based in Switzerland

Distance learning possible

Anne-Sophie Hugues

Based in Angers

Gabrielle de La Bigne

Class of 1999

Based in Angers and distance learning

Cécile Hémery

Class of 2004

London-based and distance learning

Maud Lefebvre

Class of 2007

Based in Marseille

Distance learning possible

Sophie Lauras

Class of 1998

located in Nantes and Western France

Remote coaching available