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Sophrology course "Stress management" session 2

Sophrology, through the mind and body, improves well-being for everyone

It's a mind-body method designed to find and maintain a balance between body and mind. It includes various techniques such as yoga, meditation, relaxation, visualization, breathing and Zen.

A session can be enjoyed sitting or standing, with no special equipment required.

Sophrologist Sophie Degroote (class of 1998) offers you a 3-session program to help you manage your anxiety and acquire the tools you need to cope with stressful situations.

These 3 sessions will give you a first approach to better cope with the unexpected in everyday life.

Topics covered

- Stress mechanisms

- Cardiac coherence

- Relaxation: calming the body to calm the mind

- Displacing the negative: freeing yourself from worries and ruminating thoughts

- Breathing to anchor relaxation and activate energy

- Positive visualization: change the way you look at events.

- Anchoring in the present moment.

To be effective, registration for all 3 sessions is compulsory.

The 3 dates are

- March 16, 12:30 to 1:30 pm

- March 23, 12:30 to 1:30 pm

- March 30, 12:30 to 1:30 pm

It's up to you to sign up for the 3 events in the diary (or contact Alix de Verneuil:

A Zoom link will be sent to you 12 hours in advance.

Tuesday 23 March 2021
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 22nd March
Online event
  • Free Contributor rate

  • 10 € Non-contributor rate

  • 20 € External rate

Registration closed

My background :

ESSCA Class of 1998

Various positions in Marketing/Communication/Sales at Philips then Whirlpool

Professional reconversion following a Burn Out.

Sophrology gave me a new outlook, a new philosophy of life, positive and serene.

Trained at the Académie de Sophrologie de Paris - Titre RNCP

Specializations: Business, Sleep, Concentration, Stress Management, Cardiac Coherence

Corporate references: Talan, MCRA (Free), Céline, AcadFOrma (Suez)

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Tuesday 23 March 2021
12:30 - 13:30 (GMT +2)
Registration deadline : 22nd March
Online event
  • Free Contributor rate

  • 10 € Non-contributor rate

  • 20 € External rate

Registration closed
  • 21 registrants
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