NL n°59 - December 2022 - Good news from the rankings

Hello everyone!

This is our 10th and final newsletter, bringing to a close an eventful year.

On the school's side, the rankings follow one another and fortunately are not alike, with ESSCA in first place in the Challenges rankings. Also of note is a new film presenting the school.

We'll be back in early January to launch the 2023 mentoring campaign. Students need mentors, so apply now.

As for the usual sections, job offers and, of course, the association's program of events for the coming month, including our remote General Meeting on January 11.

Finally, the last few days to make your donation to the ESSCA Foundation. As of January, your donation will be used to award scholarships within the framework of the school's Social Watch Commission. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Happy reading, and see you soon at an event organized by the association!

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

Life of the association
Fondation : premières réalisations et appel aux dons avant le 31 décembre

Wednesday 11 January
General Assembly 2023

ESSCA Alumni's Board of Directors and President Vincent Harel are pleased to invite members to theassociation's Annual General Meeting.

Due to the...

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School life
Challenge : L'ESSCA sur la plus haute marche en PGE et Bachelor

Un nouveau film signature pour l'école

QS Survey 2023 : l'ESSCA a besoin de votre engagement pour bien figurer

Graduate Profile
Palink'Art (Grégoire Biessy 2015) cherche des partenaires dans le cinéma

Prom Birthday
Saturday 14 January
Class of 92/96: Celebrating 30 years at ESSCA!

A reunion evening in Paris to celebrate your 30 years at ESSCA!

Saturday January 14, 2023 from 7pm.

Meet on the "Marcounet" barge, an exceptional...

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Un week end mémorable pour les 30 ans de la promo 92

Une amitié de plus de 60 ans, les retrouvailles annuelles de la promo La Pérouse !

Workshops of the month
Wednesday 18 January
Quiet Quitting" Webinar

Everyone hasheard of Quiet Quitting ! This phenomenon, which appeared on the American social network TikTok in 2022, brings together a number of...

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Thursday 26 January
Developing self-confidence" webinar

We've all experienced times when we lacked self-confidence. Self-confidence is a key ingredient in our ability to meet everyday challenges, to adapt...

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Thursday 02 March
Webinar "Developing authentic and constructive communication

Preserving relationships in the professional world is essential!Many conflicts in the workplace are linked to communication problems. A remark, a...

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Tuesday 10 January
Information meeting AVARAP LYON

AVARAP is an association founded in 1984 to help executives looking for work or currently employed to build a new career plan.

AVARAP's mission :


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Monday 16 January
Information meeting AVARAP PARIS

AVARAP is an association founded in 1984 to help executives looking for work or currently employed to build a new career plan.

AVARAP's mission :


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Life of the Thematic Clubs
Monday 09 January
Club Immobilier afterwork in Paris

ESSCA Alumni and the Real Estate Club are pleased to invite you to an afterwork cocktail "Réception de chantier" .

Monday, January 9, 2023 from 7pm


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Thursday 12 January
Postponed: ESSCA au Féminin Paris: lunch for women entrepreneurs #3

To kick off 2023, ESSCA au Féminin invites you to itsnext Women Entrepreneurs' Luncheon

Thursday January 12 at 12:30 pm

Meet at Pain Quotidien Saint...

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Tuesday 24 January
Club Digital Lunch - Elaia Partners

At the invitation of Louisa Mesnard (CMO Elaia Partners, Promo 2014) and Marc-Philippe Dubreuil (Scoopitone, Promo 1985), the digital club invites you...

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Local Club Life
1ère réunion pour le club d'Antananarivo

Job offers
Ingénieur d'Affaires
CDI , Tours
Afin de poursuivre la trajectoire de forte croissance de l'entreprise au niveau européen, nous...
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Directeur de l'Institut Départemental de l'Enfance & de la Famille (H/F)
CDI , Bron
Dans ce cadre, la Métropole de Lyon recrute DIRECTEUR DE L'INSTITUT DEPARTEMENTAL DE L'ENFANCE ET...
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Chef de Produits
CDI , Les Ponts de Cé (49)
Vous disposez d'une bonne connaissance du secteur du retail et souhaitez évoluer vers un poste très...
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Senior Brand Manager (nouvelle marque)
CDI , Paris
Véritable bras droit de la direction générale vous êtes responsable du marketing stratégique et...
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Payroll Consultant (m/f/d)
CDI , Luxembourg
Our service People Process Outsourcing (PPO) is a Human Capital Management Suite tailored to...
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Manager Expert Comptable
CDI , Avallon
CERFRANCE BFC vous propose d'optimiser vos compétences autour de deux grands axes:...
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Responsable Fundraising & Essaimage
En lien avec la direction, et dans le respect de sa stratégie d'essaimage, le poste de responsable...
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More job offers
The nominations
Xavier MARTIN (1998)

Xavier Martin, a graduate of ESSCA, has been appointed President of Henkel France, in this position...

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