Hello everyone!
In this mid-November, we felt it was essential to raise your awareness of theimportance of the ESSCA Foundation in maintaining a broad social diversity within our school and therefore, in the future, within our network.
An article explains the challenge we've set ourselves: by the end of 2020, to finance 2 years of study via scholarships or bursaries for excellence. Act before December 31!
On the menu for this Newsletter, we continue our portrait gallery with Emmanuel Minelle (2008) co-founder of RadioK7 Créative, the podcast creation agency for brands.
ESSCA Solidarity: featured in this section is Céline Reveyron (00), an entrepreneur in the toy trade(Merlinpinpin) who is proudly facing up to the crisis. Find out more about her career and think of her for your Christmas gifts!
If you would like to appear in this section, please let us know: delphine.deghellinck@essca.fr
ESSCA Entrepreneurs: Finally, two ESSCA graduates (2008) Capucine Tortel and Marguerite Vergne have launched their entrepreneurial project in the midst of the crisis: the Fudoon hoodie
ESSCA Research: Three teacher-researchers need the opinion of alumni aged 23 to 33 on their digital consumption. To find out how to take part in this survey, follow this link.
ESSCA Alumni events : the ESSCA au Féminin club relaunches! Take part in the online conference with the three authors of the book "L'argent au féminin? 10 conseils sur mesure pour bien choisir et agir pas à pas". Also note the second Real Estate Club conference.
Happy reading and see you next week for more news from the ESSCA community.
ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)
Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni