Hello everyone!
Special ESSCA Awards Newsletter!
We're just 72 hours away from this event, which marks the opening of the"new season" 2020/2021, and we'll be able to maintain our capacity of 250 guests.
One last chance to register (just 30 places left this Monday morning).
To make you want to join us even more, take a look at our report on the venue, the Cercle France Amériques in Paris.
And we'll be waiting for you there from 7.30 pm. Our priority will remain your safety throughout the event, and sanitary measures will be reinforced.
Before the Palmarès is announced on Thursday, it's a good time to review the nominees in the 6 categories.
Enjoy your reading, and see you next week for a "special ESSCA Awards" Newsletter!
ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)
Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni