ESSCA Awards, voting and registration open : a new career support service

Hello everyone!

7th Newsletter of the year and a focus on the major event of the new school year: the ESSCA Awards.

Voting is officially open to determine the 2021 winners, and only members can take part. Tomorrow, you'll receive a unique link in your mailbox to cast your vote.

This year, to help you make your choice, we have produced 16 video portraits to illustrate the candidates' pitches.

It's also a good time to register for the ESSCA Awards on September 15, 2021. We look forward to seeing you there, and places will be limited!

Another important piece of news for our fellow students on the professional rebound is the partnership signed between ESSCA Alumni and the Akeen platform. Find out more here.

Finally, check out the program of alumni workshops and events between now and the summer.

Enjoy your reading!

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

Life of the association
ESSCA Awards : Elisez vos candidats 2021 !

Voilà, c'est parti : Les votes pour désigner les lauréats 2021 sont désormais ouverts... mais faites vite, le scrutin sera clôt le 30 juin !


Quelques nouveautés cette année :


Les parcours des...

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WANTED : Responsable du Club Automobile et nouvelles mobilités

L’automobile et l'ESSCA, c'est une longue histoire : la Chaire Distribution et Services automobiles fête ses 30 ans en 2021 !

Le monde automobile est aussi en pleine mutation et, pour accompagner...

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School life
Une initiative de l'école en faveur des Jeunes Diplômés

A la recherche d’un premier emploi ou d’un nouveau challenge professionnel ? 


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que du 22 au 25 juin se déroulera le Forum Virtuel Jeunes Diplômés ESSCA sur la...

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Graduate Portraits
Portrait d'Isabelle Souquières (Promo 2006), Responsable du Club Innovation

Nous avons rencontré Isabelle Souquières (Promo 2006), co-fondatrice et DG de Synovora (start-up proposant des innovations en santé et e-santé) à l'occasion de lu lancement du Club innovation avec...

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Workshops of the month
Tuesday 15 June
Webinar "Headhunters: beyond the myth, understanding how they work".

Between myth and prejudice, the headhunting profession remains mysterious and poorly understood. Should you turn to them during your search? Are they indispensable? What are their methods?


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Tuesday 22 June
Interim management" webinar

"Transition management consists in calling on a manager specialized in a very specific field to respond to an internal, one-off and/or unprecedented problem. "

This market, mainly occupied by senior...

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Thursday 01 July
Saying No

Not letting yourself be taken where you don't want to be, taking it easy, asserting your choices, not giving in to pressure - these are all reasons to learn to say no! The fear of rejection and the...

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Club Life
Thursday 24 June
Club Retail / An hour with...Geoffroy Blanc DG L'Oréal Portugal

ESSCA ALUMNI and the Retail et Grande Conso club, led byStéphane Berton (class of '95) are pleased...

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Tuesday 29 June
Launch of Club Innovation with Thierry Ménisser | Innovations: between myth and reality?

ESSCA Alumni & Isabelle Souquières (Class of 2006), co-founder and CEO of Synovora (a start-up offering innovations in health and e-health) are pleased to invite you to a conference hosted by Thierry...

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Tuesday 06 July
A summer aperitif for networking!

After a year of remote access, during which you saw yourselves as thumbnails on your computers, we thought you'd be pleased to see each other "for real", to network over a drink and meet the leaders...

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Thursday 08 July

ESSCA ALUMNI and the Retail - Grande Conso club, led byStéphane Berton (class of '95) are pleased to invite you to the 6th Rendezvous"An hour with..." We 'll be having an open discussion on the...

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Henri Guillermit

We are saddened to announce the death of Henri Guillermit (class of 1981) on Sunday, May 30, 2021.

After a short career in corporate banking, Henri Guillermit took up management positions in...

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