Hello everyone!
First Newsletter of 2021, and the opportunity to wish you all the best for the New Year.
As we announced in our last newsletter, we're stepping up our program of workshops and virtual meetings as part of our theme clubs. Find out more about them below.
As the network's use value increases, more and more alumni are joining for life.
Our lifetime membership promotion has been extended until... tomorrow, January 13, the date of our Annual General Meeting, which this year will be held "full distanciel". Don't miss the opportunity...
It's still possible to register for this meeting until midnight tonight.
Another highlight next week will be the joint "full on line" greetings by Jean Charroin, CEO of ESSCA, and the association.
This will be an opportunity to review the progress of the Odyssée strategic plan, one year after its launch. (Registration required to receive the link).
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at theAnnual General Meeting.
ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)
Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni