NL spéciale Palmarès ESSCA Awards: discover our 2020 winners and the ESSCA Foundation

Hello everyone!

SpecialESSCA Awards Newsletter!

Let's face it, with the successive changes in the health situation, we feared right up until the last moment that we'd have to cancel this event.

But the heavens were with us and so was the weather!

So over 150 alumni gathered to celebrate those who have made their mark on2019/2020. And thank you to all of you who joined us for this wonderful event.

I invite you to discover the winners.

The only downside was the large number of "no-shows": only 60% of the 238 registered alumni were present. Threats of strikes at Covid and the transport company may have prompted some alumni to give up.

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that any of us may have to deal with unforeseen circumstances, so please let us know as soon as possible. We incur considerable costs for this prestigious alumni event (almost a hundred euros per person for the reception alone).

The second highlight of the evening was the official launch of the ESSCA Foundation, which provided the opportunity to launch the first fundraising campaign to promote social diversity.

Raising more than €12,000, it financed a full year's tuition. Thanks to the generosity of our members.

Discover the ESSCA Foundation.

You can join this noble cause by making your donation directly on the Fondation de France's online donation page dedicated to the ESSCA Foundation. Please note that most of your donations are tax-deductible.

If you would like to become more involved in the ESSCA Foundation, please contact me:

Happy reading, and see you next week for more portraits of our ESSCA Awards winners.

ESSCA is for life!

Patrick Bouillet (87)

Managing Director
ESSCA Alumni

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