Last days to register for the ESSCA Awards, solidarity actions, a successful start to the new school year and new workshops...
  NL N°26 - SEPTEMBER 2020  

Hello everyone!

First Newsletter of this"new season", already marked by the particular health context.

The first piece of good news is that, barring a sudden worsening of the epidemic, the next ESSCA Awards will be held as agreed on September 17 at the Cercle France Amériques in Paris, starting at 7:30 p.m., with reinforced security measures.

However, we still run the risk of having to reduce the number of places at the last minute. So don't delay in registering, as there are less than 50 places left at the time we send you this newsletter.

The second piece of good news is that, despite an "out of the ordinary" entrance exam and inclusion in Parcours Sup, the School has successfully recruited for 2020/2021 in both the Programme Grande Ecole (PGE) and Bachelor programs, confirming the attractiveness of our beloved ESSCA, whose campuses now welcome over 6,000 students.

We're taking advantage of this new season to launch a new section: "Solidarité du réseau en actions". Today, 2 students and 1 alumni are appealing to the network for help. Thank you in advance for your actions on their behalf.

Happy reading and see you next week for a "special ESSCA Awards" Newsletter!

ESSCA is for

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ESSCA Solidarity in Action

 Nous relayons l'appel à l'aide reçu de Camille CHEVILLARD (promo 2014), propriétaire de 2 hôtels à Paris dont l'activité a été sérieusement impactée par la crise sanitaire. L'ESSCA est une grande...

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Aidez une 2A à développer son application primée lors du BC100

Je suis une jeune ESSCA qui vient de rentrer en 2ème année. J'ai participé l'année dernière au grand concours BC100 et ait eu l'honneur d'y être primée pour mon projet d'application "ACT".


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Un stage/job dans un pays anglophone pour valider mon année

Nous vous transmettons une demande d'une jeune première année en délicatesse avec la langue de Shakespeare...

Pour maîtriser une langue, rien ne vaut l'expérience "in situ", vous pouvez lui proposer...

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School life
Une rentrée si particulière !

Dès le 24 aout les 1100 premières années du PGE (Programme Grande École) ont fait leur rentrée sur les 5 campus français. Comme partout ailleurs, ce fût une rentrée bien différente de celles connues...

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Life of the association
Tuesday 22 September
MBTI Webinar: know your personality type to better understand yourself

Webinar "Discovering your psychological type: Getting to grips with the "MBTI"® dimensions


* Discover the MBTI® questionnaire, which describes an individual's personality preferences.


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Thursday 24 September
BOULOGNE/ "Learn to manage your emotions in the workplace" workshop

Success in the corporate world is sometimes more a question of image and perceived competence than real competence. The inability to manage emotions is therefore a major professional and personal...

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Thursday 24 September
RENNES/ Workshop "TOP Linkedin best practices in 2020".

You're already present on LinkedIn, but is your profile really effective?

To find out, take part in the Linkedin workshop offered by ESSCA Alumni at a special rate!

"TOP LinkedIn best practices in...

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